International Research

Why Europe needs a global strategy

Hidden in the small print of the 27 & 28 June European Council conclusions – eclipsed by the crisis in Greece, the row about migration and the UK’s bid to renegotiate the terms of its membership of the EU – was an…

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The EU International Cooperation and Development Results Framework: A commentary

The European Commission has published what it calls ‘the EU International Cooperation and Development Results Framework’. This is a Staff Working Paper, but looks final rather than draft, and has been forwarded to Member States as such. In this commentary, Simon Maxwell suggests…

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Seven indivisibilities and a conundrum: how to deliver women’s empowerment

Simon Maxwell was invited to moderate the High-Level Event on Women’s Economic Empowerment and Sustainable Development, in Riga on 2 March 2015. In this reflection on the conclusions to the event, Simon identifies seven indivisibilities that shaped the conversation. I don’t usually…

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What is Google AdWords?

Google AdWords is a tool that allows you, through campaigns, to make yourself known to your target audience. But also to make sales, get leads and/or calls according to your sector and objectives. Visit for more about Google AdWords and digital…

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What budget on Google AdWords?

The first question to ask yourself is not necessarily how much you want to spend on advertising on Adwords, nor how much you want to earn, but rather whether the process is profitable. Unless you are, for example, on a…

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Companies have understood this well, their visibility on the Internet is essential to develop their commercial activity. The first effective lever to generate qualified traffic is the results of the first page of Google after a request from the Internet…

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