Communicate internationally with AdWords

You already communicate on your products or services with AdWords in England and you want to export yourself abroad? Different steps are necessary before you internationalize and thus increase your turnover. Visit to learn more about Google Ads and digital marketing. Here are our tips to make this new adventure a success.

Adapt your website to the country in which you want to offer your products or services

Before you start, find out about payment and delivery options in that country. This step is essential because your site will have to offer payment methods usually used in the country chosen with the local currency. Similarly, delivery costs should not be too high, otherwise potential sales may be lost. Of course, your website must have a version in the language of the chosen country. Thus, the links in your ads should direct foreign Internet users to the pages of your site translated into their language.

Create and configure your campaigns for abroad

To create your campaigns for the chosen foreign country, you will have to translate both your ads and your keywords from your existing French campaigns. To do this, you can translate them yourself if you think you can, or use a translation agency to avoid mistakes. In addition, she will be able to find the optimal terms and expressions to make your ads attractive. Once your campaigns have been translated, the second step consists in setting up your campaigns so that they are distributed internationally. On your AdWords account, go to Campaigns > Settings > All Settings > Zones. Enter the name of the country in which you want to broadcast your ads, record. Then, still in settings, click on “Languages” and choose the language of the chosen country. Finally, in “Geographical location options (advanced)”, it is recommended to choose “Persons located in a targeted area”. Your campaign is ready! All you have to do is activate it.
What are the benefits of creating a Google Adwords campaign?
How can you expand your business globally through Google Ads ?

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